Remember those little packets of sugary apple and cinnamon goodness? Whenever someone makes those, the smell is absolutely intoxicating. So yummy! But when you actually go to taste it, it's so packed with sugar its quite overwhelming and just not as good as it smells. I was craving this oatmeal for a couple days and boy did it taste as good as I remember. Dates, apples, and maple syrup sweeten it up naturally and walnuts give it a great crunch to balance it out. This one is sure to delight!

1 cup rolled oats
2 tsp maple syrup
2 tbsp chopped walnuts
1/3 crisp apple diced
2 dates chopped
salt to taste
3 shakes of ground cinnamon
Mix together oats, syrup, apple and dates in a bowel. Pour boiling water over oats until it just covers them being careful not to pour too much or it will end up watery. Cover and let soak for a few minutes until the oats soak up the water. Stir in cinnamon and walnuts and enjoy!!
Nutritional Info:
Cals: 388
Fat: 10g
Carbs: 72g
Protein: 8g